Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 32

What's poppin Party PEOPLE!!!!

Elder McKeon back again! 

This week was sweet! We found 4 new investigators! 2 young couples! We randomly knocked on their door and they're like come in! They are super awesome! Super excited to continue teaching them! Both couples complimented Elder Hall and I on our Spanish and were blown away at how we have learned to speak it. We have appointments set up with both of them this week.

I am sad for Rodrigo. He and Yennifer have broken up for good this time. He is really having a hard time. I hope the gospel can give him some peace.

Crappy part of the week is that our toilet backed up into our bathtub 2 times and it was gross! So we had to shower at the other Elder's complex. Someone in the complex was flushing baby wipes down the toilet. Not a good idea cuz it ruins the rest of the complex. 

Cinco de mayo was also poppin here in Texas. That was quite the night! Not an easy night to go finding!

Oh, the missionaries are teaching piano class to youth in the ward every Saturday morning. That has been super fun! I just pay attention and try some things after the class is over. I am learning a little bit too! 

Oh, we found a beautiful dog running the streets Saturday morning in the church parking lot so we played fetch with him. It was way to much fun! I miss my pup! 

Saturday night was way fun! We talked to so many people! ;) Something went down in a complex right before we got there. We walked in and the cops pulled up and were trying to talk to witnesses but not one of them spoke Spanish. The cops said "Elders come here" and so we began translating for the police the rest of the night. It was an interesting way to give service! hahaha. 

Texas is starting to heat up! I do not like that but you know it happens. Stupid earth rotation and all that nonsense. 

My buddy Max turns 13 this week! Give him a hug from me if you see him on Friday! Love that kid!

Other than that, it has been a great week! We are just killing it in the missionary world! 
Grateful for the miracles we saw this week. People opening their doors and letting us in!

Miss and love you all!!!
Pray everyone has a good week!
Elder McKeon

Hermana Cardosa and I - we matched at church with our flowers. 
how calls are made 

Yours truly with his noble ride, Leydi Splenda
She pretty much sits in the same place all week. Still riding a bike 90% of the time! 

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