Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Week 41

Hey Everyone! 
Another week in the mission and a whole lot of nothing going on. We had some annoying car troubles and spent a lot of time at Firestone getting our car fixed. The tires were all screwed up. Waste of time! Other than that we just went out finding ALL day. We found 2 new  investigators this week named Mario and Ilda. We have been trying to teach them since I got in the area and we finally had a lesson with them. They are excited to learn. Arturo is doing really good. He is reading the Book of Mormon and enjoying the time when we come over. He has a great support group so he is doing good. 

It is crazy how fast time is flying. This is the last week of this transfer. I don't know what is going to happen in the mission soon. We have like 71 missionaries going home in the next 2 transfers. That makes the mission a whole lot different in the next coming month. 

The computer for some reason won't let me upload any pictures, but next week I should have a lot of good ones coming your way! 
Sorry for the short email. The 4th of July though in Sunny side, Texas... The biggest disappointment I have ever been apart of. SAD!! In my area at least. No parades! No fireworks! No nothing!! You would think that in Texas, the 4th of July would be awesome. NOPE!!! 

Well I hope everyone else's 4th was amazing! Literally my favorite holiday still! 
I love you all! 
Elder McKeon 

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